
Media owner and publisher

Be accepted GmbH

Vegagasse 4/2, 1190 Vienna

Contact details:

During our office hours, Monday – Friday from 9.00 – 13.00 you can reach us at:

Phone: 0676 / 7766628

You can send us an e-mail at any time at the following e-mail address:


Legal form: limited liability company

FN 581324 p

Competent court: Commercial Court Vienna

UID: ATU 78176368


Stephanie Bruggraber

Vegagasse 4

1190 Vienna

Editorial responsibility:

Caroline Justich

Business line:

Media company

Alignment of the medium/leaf line:

Be accepted is a guide for women with an initial diagnosis of cancer. The purpose is to provide information on orthodox medicine and selected complementary medicine.

Free trade

Member of the WKO Vienna


Webmando Websolutions KG
