Be accepted

For the active cancer patient
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You are stronger than what comes your way.

Home of the smart 8

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Welcome to Be-Accepted!

Be accepted gives you access to the know-how of the most respected experts in conventional medicine, as well as to the methods that strengthen you physically and psychologically, in order to optimize the course of treatment and maximize your quality of life.
The magazine is your guide that bridges the gap between conventional and complementary medicine, giving you a head start in time and knowledge with filtered, in-depth information.

It includes everything you need to know to get started right away.
The webpage, which works like a cloud, accompanies you every day and always gives you new impulses to keep going. You can also find our patient avatar there, which shows you a lot of information about side effects and helpful tips.

Home of the Smart 8

Be Current

Breathing exercise

I am Caro. Some friends call me “Lionsita”. Probably because my lion’s mane fits so well with my star sign. I rise above myself in stressful situations and show strength, but in “normal life” I am more relaxed, like a lioness.

I had a very wise grandmother who loved to pass on her wisdom in the form of sayings. Her “No matter what happens to you – you just have to know how to help yourself” became a guideline for me and is still my favourite saying of hers. 

I have a lot. A great husband, three wonderful sons, an amazing mother, a big family, great friends and I have metastatic breast cancer.

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Radiological examinations

Inquired with Univ. Prof. Dr. Michael Fuchsjäger; The role of radiologists is indisputably one of the most important in the course of cancer. The sooner radiologists become aware of irregularities, the earlier any disease is detected and treatment can be started. They are the first point of contact for patients with questions and are the doctors who refer patients to surgery, oncology or gynecology for further treatment planning. All treatment plans, although not determined by radiologists alone, are based on radiological examinations and diagnoses.

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Inquired at Assoc. Prof. Priv-Doz. Dr. Rubpert Bartsch; When in the course of breast cancer do patients see an oncologist?

We usually see only those patients with early breast cancer for whom systemic therapy is planned. These are patients who are to receive pre- or post-operative chemotherapy with or without immunotherapy. In addition, patients with anti-hormonal treatment are also cared for, whereby this can also take place at our centre at the Clinic for Surgery.

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Inquired with Univ. Prof. Dr. Annemarie Schratter – Sehn WHAT DOES radiotherapy do?

The ionising radiation destroys rapidly dividing cells. Tumour cells divide more rapidly than the surrounding tissue. Therefore, the tumour cells are destroyed/severely damaged and the tissue is largely not.

WHEN is radiation therapy given?

Radiotherapy is always prescribed when there is a local problem. It is usually part of the overall treatment plan, i.e. surgery and/or chemotherapy plus radiotherapy.

Definitive radiotherapy – i.e. only radiotherapy – is given when no surgery is performed or possible (for example anal carcinoma; in this case there is usually no surgery but only radiotherapy).

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Each individual tentacle of the octopus represents one of the 8 important areas of Be accepted. The union (combination) of these loose ends, represented by the head of the beast, creates the magic.
