About radiological examinations
we have talked to
Univ. Prof. Dr. Michael Fuchsjäger
Director of the Clinic for Radiology at the University of Graz
The role of radiologists is indisputably one of the most important during cancer treatment The sooner radiologists become aware of irregularities, the earlier any disease is detected and treatment can be started. They are the first contact person for patients with questions and are the doctors who refer patients to surgery, oncology or gynecology for further treatment planning. All treatment plans, although not determined by radiologists alone, are based on radiological examinations and diagnoses.
Radiologists are therefore often referred to as the “gatekeepers of medicine”. Radiological diagnosis gives patients access to the health care system, further clarification, diagnoses and, if necessary, therapeutic path are started.
Especially women from the age of 45 are in the best case accompanied by radiologists throughout their lives, because screening programs for the early detection of breast cancer should be a matter of course for every woman from this age on.
Univ. Prof. Dr. Michael Fuchsjäger:
First of all: For us radiologists it is of utmost importance that we work well with our patients and that they trust us. We take care of our patients, our priority is that they feel perfectly taken care of and comfortable with us. This includes, on the one hand, examinations of the highest quality, but also that they are in good hands emotionally.
It is our job and our concern to listen to them and answer their questions.
Therefore, we ask our patients to be aware that we take their concerns seriously, we create the time and also the space to answer questions, explain findings and possible further procedures.
We therefore advise you:
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