We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the creation of Be accepted from the bottom of our hearts.
With your help, something great has been created for so many women!
We would like to thank our friends and families, and especially our children.
Johannes, Alexander, Patrick, Franzi and Tassilo, who are there for us every day with childlike understanding, justified criticism, openness and curiosity.
Georg, thank you for walking our path together with me and giving me the freedom to follow my intuition!
We love you very much!
Be accepted was created in cooperation with and with the support of ESR
Harald Wengust
Diana Orgovanyi
Christine Justich
Hans and Margret Roth
Andrea Bischel
Kerstin Boszych
Aidan Boyd- Thorpe
Sergio Jurado
Dr. John Fox
Laura van Houtryve
Caroline Coen
Barbara Umbgrove
Ulla Offenbeck
Mercedes Steinbach
Prof.. Dr. Michael Fuchsjäger
Dense Breast Tissue
Dr. Schila Sabeti – Sandor
Prof. Priv.
Dr. Rupert Bartsch
Prof. Dr. Christian Singer
Ingeborg Brandl
Dr. Margit Bartl
Prof. Dr. Florian Fitzal
OA Dr. Andrea Auer
Dr. Anke Scharrer
Dr. Caroline Coen
Dr. Nina Fuchsjäger
Prim. Prof. Dr. Schratter – Sehn
Kurt Pröll
Nicole Lotz
Evelyn Steinthaler
Katharina Wogrolly
Barbara Herscovici
Dr. Ehrenberger organic and natural products
Development: webmando.at