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Emotion Code

Everything is energy, and that’s the whole trick.” At least that’s how Albert Einstein supposedly once put it…. So physical or emotional states of a human being are also just a form of energy. The Body Code is a system that is able to find and release energies that are causing discomfort, illness and suffering in your body and spirit.
What is energy work?
Everything, and all of us, are made of energy in a different frequency, i.e. vibration. The tangible, but also the intangible is nothing but pure energy! There are infinitely many different energies, e.g. electrical, magnetic, radio waves, light, sound, colour, cosmic and many more. A scientific textbook can explain this well.
So far we can also state: Everything we experience, happen to us or ingest, every thought generates energy or changes it. Therefore, attitudes, beliefs, feelings, emotions or memories are also part of it. From this point of view, it is obvious to everyone how important it is for the general state of health to be energetically balanced.
Energy work includes various methods and techniques that try to balance the energy vibrations and flow. It promotes physical and emotional well-being. It combines powerful physical, mental and spiritual aspects to activate the self-healing powers and fight against the deeper causes rather than symptoms.
The Body Code® System – Repair – not repeat!
The Body Code® is a patented, revolutionary energy balancing system designed to help find the root causes of ailments, illness and disease in the body and mind.
The body is the last level to rebel when something in our energy flow is too out of balance. It tries to communicate this by developing symptoms. With the Body Code it is not only possible to detect such imbalances or possible causes, but one also has the possibility to correct them. This paves the way for health, love and creative development.
Muscle testing
The Body Code works closely with the subconscious mind. It is believed that our subconscious has a great influence on how we feel and behave – indeed, it knows what is good for us to feel better. Kinesiology muscle testing and the special question system of the Body Code can be used to contact the subconscious and answer

“Everything is energy, and that’s the whole trick.” At least that’s how Albert Einstein supposedly once put it…. So physical or emotional states of a human being are also just a form of energy. The Body Code is a system that is able to find and release energies that are causing discomfort, illness and suffering in your body and spirit.
What is energy work?
Everything, and all of us, are made of energy in a different frequency, i.e. vibration. The tangible, but also the intangible is nothing but pure energy! There are infinitely many different energies, e.g. electrical, magnetic, radio waves, light, sound, colour, cosmic and many more. A scientific textbook can explain this well.
So far we can also state: Everything we experience, happen to us or ingest, every thought generates energy or changes it. Therefore, attitudes, beliefs, feelings, emotions or memories are also part of it. From this point of view, it is obvious to everyone how important it is for the general state of health to be energetically balanced.
Energy work includes various methods and techniques that try to balance the energy vibrations and flow. It promotes physical and emotional well-being. It combines powerful physical, mental and spiritual aspects to activate the self-healing powers and fight against the deeper causes rather than symptoms.
The Body Code® System – Repair – not repeat!
The Body Code® is a patented, revolutionary energy balancing system designed to help find the root causes of ailments, illness and disease in the body and mind.
The body is the last level to rebel when something in our energy flow is too out of balance. It tries to communicate this by developing symptoms. With the Body Code it is not only possible to detect such imbalances or possible causes, but one also has the possibility to correct them. This paves the way for health, love and creative development.
Muscle testing
The Body Code works closely with the subconscious mind. It is believed that our subconscious has a great influence on how we feel and behave – indeed, it knows what is good for us to feel better. Kinesiology muscle testing and the special question system of the Body Code can be used to contact the subconscious and answer questions. Now this is nothing sinister, but a non-invasive method specifically designed to find possible underlying causes of ailments. Everything from perhaps supportive foods, to stored emotions.
Muscle testing is based on biomagnetic energy. The subconscious mind responds to positive or negative energetic changes. These responses make muscle testing possible. There are many different ways in which muscle testing can be applied. On the one hand directly on the client, or on the other hand via the collective subconscious by means of a proxy. Well-known methods are the arm length test, the arm test or the ring test.
How does a Body Code® session work?
You can also learn the Body Code® yourself and apply it to yourself. The prerequisite is to be able to work on yourself without bias, which is not easy.
There are different ways in which a Body Code® session can take place:
In person with the proxy principle or at a distance (proxy). It does not matter where I or the participant is. Online proxy principle sessions via Zoom have proven to be very successful, due to time constraints, but also for current reasons. This means that I test on myself. This also works with children or animals. Where we start – that’s what my client tells me. I usually start with the biggest problem at the moment, whatever that may be. Emotional issues (PTSD, death of a loved one, accident, illness, inability to relate, …), elimination of behavioural patterns (self-consciousness, recurring patterns that do not serve, self-sabotage, self-doubt, …), physical symptoms (neck or knee pain, desire to have children, …) or chronic illnesses (Crohn’s disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, …).
Emotional Ballast and its Meaning – the Emotion Code®

Stored emotions, or the more common term – the emotional baggage are emotions that you can’t get rid of, that keep haunting and affecting you – as if you can’t shake off or get rid of a certain event, situation or even person in your life.

Sometimes you go through traumatic events and for various reasons the emotional energy may not be processed in the process. It gets stuck in the form of a so-called ‘trapped emotion’ – a trapped or stored emotion in the body and the subconscious. Most of the time you are not even aware that you are carrying these trapped emotions around, but if they remain as negative energy – they are always active in the background, doing their mischief. You only see everything influenced by these stored emotions, and act guided by them in recurring patterns.
Down with the heart wall – the Emotion Code®
80–90% of all people have a heart wall. It usually consists of several trapped emotions that are used by the subconscious to surround the heart like a protective wall against emotional pain. What sounds like a blessing at first, and makes perfect sense at the moment it is created, turns out to be detrimental in the long run, however, and we pay far too high a price for it, which manifests itself in the form of physical, emotional or psychological problems.
The heart wall surrounds a heart like the skin of an onion surrounds an onion. We use the Emotion Code® (which is part of the Body Code® system) to release one embedded emotion – and thus one layer – at a time until the whole heart wall is gone! I see it as an important contribution to making our world a more beautiful place – to break down as many heart walls as possible!
How can something like this work?
Again and again, and especially in the beginning of my work as an energy coach, I was amazed at the efficiency and yet simplicity of this form of energy balancing. However, there are a few factors that can make testing or releasing imbalances impossible:

  • Dehydration
    If the practitioner or client is dehydrated, there may be difficulty in muscle testing or recognising responses.
  • Misalignments in the cervical spine
    Misaligned or misaligned cervical vertebrae can cause interactions during muscle testing.
  • Lack of belief/scepticism
    Successful use of muscle testing or the Body Code® requires a minimum of belief in the possibility or an openness to try it!
    In a Nutshell!
    The Body Code® is a kind of emotional and physical reset, a resetting to a higher energetic level. That sounds very well – let’s say spiritual. But we must not forget all the assumptions we made at the beginning. With that, it is only logical that this system very often and especially starts to work where conventional methods might reach their limits.
