Calendar entries

Tip from Caro

The day I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, I made the following entries to myself on my calendar on my phone:

At 9 a.m., my phone reminds me to SMILE.

At 11 a.m., it encourages me to keep my thoughts pure.

At 1pm, it reassures me that I am stronger than what comes my way.

At 5pm – it motivates me: finish, hang in there baby!


at 7 pm, it flashes: “Parah Parah” – an Israeli proverb that literally means “one cow at a time”.

For the past five years and counting I am still getting those notifications every single day.

I can’t tell you how many times these reminders have saved me from giving up after bad news, from shock, from helplessness or from fear.

They always give me confidence, hope, motivation and trust.  On many days they are just there, allowing me to take myself out of the daily grind for a moment, to allow myself a moment to breathe.

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