Healing Magnetism

Often it is an ‘either-or’, very rarely a ‘both’, but the trend goes in the direction of ‘both’. Conventional medicine with its continuous development celebrates terrific successes in the treatment of diseases and injuries. Holistic physicians are convinced that for a long-lasting success of a treatment a healthy mind must live in the body. Together these two – conventional and holistic medicine – are unbeatable.

Many patients these days feel this intuitively. They no longer feel fully at ease in a tradtitional treatment setting. It is obvious that the reason for this lies in the way they are treated. In conventional medicine patients are often assigned a passive role, the doctor diagnoses, the patient allows herself to be treated. Patients develop a longing to actively participate again. Many are therefore advocating for a combination of modern medicine, natural medicine and old healing methods, some of which have fallen into oblivion. This push is becoming lounder and lounder.

In some places, particularly in Vienna, this fusion of two approaches has been successfully practised for decades by Prim. Univ. Prof. Dr. Annemarie Schratter-Sehn. She joins the list of highly respected doctors such as Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland, Franz Anton Mesmer and Carl Gustav Carus, all of whom also practised magnetic healing.

And that is exactly what Univ. Prof. Dr. Schratter-Sehn does; and with a lot of success. With a lot of success. Her heart beats for radiation oncology. The institute she has lead as a Chief Physician at the Favoriten Clinic in Vienna for almost 30 years is one of the most successful in the world. Her conventional medical treatment approaches and methods have always been among the most advanced and modern of their kind. And yet she has always had the feeling that for the best possible treatment result, there is more to it than “just” “device medicine”. She recognized early on that psychological alterations often intensify side effects and has always been convinced that doctors should also have psychotherapy training.

The curriculum vitae of Dr. Schratter – Sehn reads like a running story about education, interest and professional advancement. Reading between the lines, one will become aware of her immense love for people, empathy and the inner urge to treat patients in a holistic manner. With her classical university background and the many additional training courses, including those to become a qualified NLP trainer, psychotherapist and traumatologist, Dr Schratter – Sehn knows how to treat her patients in a highly successful in a holistic way. Additionally she possesses this extraordinary gift of effectively practising healing magnetism. Contrary to all logical comprehensibility, she manages to activate the self-healing powers of her patients through her touch and, as a transmitter of life energy and vitality, is both a user and an ambassador of healing maggnetism.

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