Be active


Acupuncture also finds its origin in Traditional Chinese Medicine and is considered one of the oldest medical techniques. According to TCM, three things influence Qi (the life energy in the body) and the autonomous balance: meditation, nutrition, and acupuncture. Depending on the complaints, very thin needles are inserted into so-called acupuncture points in the body

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Keep moving! Always!

“Why do some people tend to grow old?”
A friend answered this question as follows: “Because they know the value of life and always keep going.”
That really got me thinking.
I came to the conclusion that people who are constantly on the move, both mentally and physically, usually grow very old.

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Healing Magnetism

It is often an “either – or”, rarely a “both”, but that is exactly what it should be.
Conventional medicine, in its constant development, celebrates great successes in the treatment of illnesses and injuries.
Holistic physicians are convinced that a healthy mind must also live in the body in order to achieve lasting success in treatment.
Together, these two are unbeatable!

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Healing hands and a keen sense of science

Prim. Univ. Doz. Dr. Schratter – Sehn’s life path has, according to her own statement, been the result of many coincidences.
This is how she came to work in radiotherapy.
She used to work in pathology, but a senior physician poached her because he thought she would be better off in radiation oncology because she had such a big heart.
She followed his call.

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