Be active

Up the mountain, look far, follow the path, reach the goal

Instagram photos of mountain peaks under a bright blue sky, hiking boots, untouched nature, the effort of the ascent, victorious views of the vastness and solitude with nature.
The young woman in the pictures is radiant, content with herself, happy, sporty and, it seems, in perfect health.
Nikki is a mother, daughter, professional, fun-loving, loves French bulldogs, is close to nature, was a party queen and, she has breast cancer.

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Find your strong reason to live!

First take a pen in your hand.
Once you have it, ask yourself the question: “Why do I want to live?”
Write the first reason that comes to mind on the list!
Don’t look for alternatives or excuses, take it and write it down.
Find other reasons why you like to live and write these down on your list too.

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We are Caro & Judith

Caro knows what it means to be diagnosed with cancer.
Judith knows about cancer as a relative. We both love to laugh and live and we manage to focus on the positive, no matter how hard it seems. We want to be your companions, motivators and informants on the good and bad days and accompany you on your personal “rollercoaster ride”.
We cannot promise a cure, but we will help you to make this time, your “new” life, as positive and beautiful as possible.

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Clean Sweep of Bad Habits

Alice: “Would you please tell me where I should go from here?” “That depends largely on where you want to go,” said the cat in “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll Where our path in life takes us is not always just a question of circumstances, even if many things in life are beyond our direct control.
Rather, there are a whole series of decisions that we make ourselves and that therefore have a significant impact on our lives.

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You love,

„Alles ist Energie, und das ist der ganze Trick.“ So zumindest hat es Albert Einstein angeblich mal ausgedrückt…

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Forest bathing

Forest bathing has long been a recognized form of therapy in Japan and is even covered by health insurance as part of preventive healthcare.
The stress-reducing effect of spending time in the forest has been scientifically proven, as has the reduction in cortisol levels and the positive effect on blood pressure and pulse.
The overall stress level is lowered and is known to bring about a positive and psychological change.

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