Tip from Caro
Live the day!
It is important that every single day you motivate yourself
To work consiously and actively on your health
To live your life in the present
To reduce stress
To make every day a beautiful one and
To choose – every day again – to live your life
It sounds easy to say “live in the present” when you are diagnosed with cancer but in reality it takes practice, conscientiousness and the understanding, why it is of such great benefit.
The word “cancer” alone already triggers the fight or flight response in us.
In a stressful situation the body is flooded with the hormones adrenaline and cortisol, and the sympathetic nervous system sounds the alarm. This response quickly provides energy and allows the body to perform at its best for a short period of time. However, if this excessive stress continues for a long time, the release of these hormones weakens the immune system. Damage can occur, up to and including a breakdown of the organism.
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