
 I frequently tell you
„I love you“
but hardly ever say it to myself.

Self-care plays an essential role in the life of a patient. When we are relaxed, content, grateful, stress-free and able to concentrate on the moment, positive reactions are called forth in the body. Enzymes set repair processes in motion, immune cells expel inflammatory agents, free radicals are rendered harmless. Self-healing is activated.

Knowing this is good and the first step.

Implementing the knowledge gained means work and consistency.

What helps is to make lists.

What I have always wanted to do – but have always successfully found excuses to not do it

Write down everything that comes to mind. The list should include banal things like learning how to cook a Vietnamese Pho or your walking up and down the Strudelhof staircase, to really big wishes and plans.

Promise yourself to work through the list. Each week you tackle one item, depending on what is possible.

You will feel the boost this gives you!

Places to go

Write down all the places you have always wanted to visit!

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